
London Calling. (Please Answer the Phone, Emma.)

Saturday, January 31, 2015

My sister Emma, who is super cool and laid back FYI, is planning on spending next spring, 2016, studying abroad. We really wanted Sydney, but it's super expensive to get there, and you really need to stay at least two weeks if you are visiting, which is hard when you are a teacher and school is in session. So we have now set our sights on London.

You may or may not have picked up on this already, but this is totally partly about me. I love, love, love, love to travel, and I have not been anywhere overseas since I returned from Prague in 2007. That is like a lifetime ago, and if you do not think my soul dies a little bit every. single. day. then you do not know me. Not at all. At all.

So Emma is working out all the details for studying abroad, whilst (check it!) I am planning what I am going to wear. (Lest you think I am not helpful, I do check in with Emma from time to time in really considerate ways, such as texts that read "Knock knock, who's there, I'm interested, I'm interested who, I'm interested in finding out where we are studying abroad!") I have had this picture of myself wearing a yellow jacket in London, so I went on a Google image hunt for the one I have in my mind.

This one really stood out:

... so imagine my shock when I clicked on it and realized it's Burberry London! Ugh. So meant to be.

I got these shoes for Christmas:

... and totally see myself trotting about London in them and leggings.

As London is rainy, and I have frizzy hair, I believe I will need a hat. Something like this perhaps:

... which I bet my sister Erin can make for me! (Right, Erin?)

I shall also be bringing along my faux leather boots, purchased from Payless of all places:

Naturally I will also be packing my Chanel heels (bought in a little out of the way place nobody goes in Maine, long story for another day) as well as my patent leather nude heels in the event I am invited to the palace by my BFF Kate Middleton.

Oh, and I'll need my Wellies too, I'll bet! Don't want to be unprepared!

So, clearly, I am pretty much ready to go, all I need now is a plane ticket, someplace to stay, instructions on how to make my phone work overseas .............. and Emma to confirm we are going.


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