
For Your Favorite Teacher

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

As Black Friday shopping is right 'round the corner (and no I will not be going out that day), I thought I'd make a little list of great gifts for the teachers in your life.

1. A watch where the emphasis is on minutes and not hours, preferably one that will sync directly with the clock at one's school. Because, yes, teachers know that the difference between 10:37 a.m. and 10:40 a.m. is the difference between night and day -- one is the end of third period and the other the beginning of fourth. You're late!

2. Hand sanitizer. I cannot emphasize this enough. If you're thinking of buying this:

think again.

I mean this:

Possibly three or four of them.

3. And, while you're in that section, bleach wipes. These?

No. These:

4. A gift card to If you haven't heard of it (and why would you if you're not a teacher) it's this great website where teachers post materials/lessons/PowerPoints, etc. that they've created and other teachers can buy them. That website has saved my life as a first-year teacher. Why reinvent the wheel when you can spend $3.25 on a quality material you know works? Trust me, the teacher in your life will thank you.

5. If you're buying for a first year teacher, consider one of these:

Because, as we walk around the school, every other teacher has one of these or something like it. Sure we've only been teaching 15 weeks, but that extra boost of confidence would be nice. (Or else we might end up doing something like this.)

6. A card telling them you love them, they're doing good work, they're shaping young minds, and, most importantly, they are not irreversibly screwing a child up for life ensuring that kid won't get into college. (We do have bouts of doubt from time to time. :) )

Teacher friends, any other good ideas?

Happy shopping! :)

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