
16 Kindergarteners

Monday, June 2, 2014

I signed up to help with Vacation Bible School at church this week. I found out yesterday that I was going to be in charge of the kindergarteners. Sounded good to me. I love kids that age. Frankly I love kids of every age because they are incredibly easy to talk to. I have a really hard time talking to adults, but I could chat with kids all day long! They don't judge your replies, they just answer your questions.

Yesterday I was told it might be 12-13 kids, but 16 showed up tonight! How awesome! No big deal, that's about the size of a ballet class. ... Except I forgot that ballet classes also come with a Miss Story. I was totally lost without my favorite sidekick! When someone needed to go to the bathroom I was like "Hey, Miss Sto--"  Nope. Although I had plenty of awesome help, it wasn't quite the same as my favorite class assistant Miss Story. She basically just read my mind. Required very little from me!

A couple highlights from the evening: First, our faith teacher asked the kids what songs they knew (about God). This kid yells out WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY! Class stopped for about two minutes while everyone over the age of 12 in the room cracked up! There was also the time when I asked Claire Little if anyone ever called her Claire Big. Blank stare. Taking the top spot, however, was when I asked the kids if they'd ever been on an airplane before (it is part of the theme). This one kid goes, "Yes. I threw up on one once." I checked to be sure he wasn't my actual kid. Kindred spirit. My multiple airplane barfs feel your pain kid.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

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