I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily -- how calmly I can tell you the whole story.
With those words, I welcome you to Week 1 of The Midnight Society! The weather is getting crisper, the smell of leaves and campfires abound, and we are trading our beach reads for heavier, spookier tales to usher in the season. This week we'll be reading and discussing the Edgar Allan Poe classic, "The Tell-Tale Heart." For most of us, the last time we read this story was a likely a middle or high school Language Arts class, so I hope you enjoy revisiting this heart-wrenching tale.
Here is what you need to join in the fun this week:
- Before you read, here is a link to a short but informative bio video on author Edgar Allan Poe. His life was both as sad and as strange as his famous works.
- To find a link to a text of the story, click here.
- To listen to actor Christopher Lee read the story aloud in his perfect-for-this voice (I LOVE this), click here.
On Thursday we'll convene our first meeting of The Midnight Society (online, of course!) where I'll post some discussion questions. I can't wait to hear your insights!
P.S. This one can be read by a crackling fire or candlelight, but whatever you choose, don't forget to set the stage for yourself!
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