
You'll Like It. Someone Dies In It.

Monday, April 3, 2017

I teach an afterschool enrichment class on Monday afternoons this quarter. This class is on movie making. I have nine students, and they are split into three groups of three. The students are responsible for writing their own scripts and acting in, filming, and editing their movies. I told them I'd help them with whatever they needed: props, costumes, filming for them if everyone in the group needed to be in the scene.

Today was the first day of filming. The three groups were spread all over the bottom floor of the school, in stairwells, the science lab, and the locker room. At one point, one of my students comes to me and says, "Miss Lafferre, we need you to film the next scene for us since we're all in it."

Of course I agreed.

Then she says, "You'll like it. Someone dies in it."

It's quite a reputation I have going for myself in the middle school. About midway through last year, I think it was, the students informed me that the biggest thing they've learned from me in their years with me is how to kill people and/or get rid of a body.


But then I realized ... YEP.

Between The Cremation of Sam McGee, The Most Dangerous Game, The Outsiders, Tuck Everlasting, And Then There Were None, and, I'm sure, others, I've taught the kids how to poison, hunt, trap, maim, and cremate people.

Which, with my luck, is all they'll remember about Language Arts with me. But I guess it's something.

Knowledge is power.

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