Anyways, back to why I'm proud -- even though I live really close to the Y, I have to take my running clothes with me and change at work in order to achieve the perfect work-run-teach balance on which my life so carefully depends. Every Wednesday morning, I throw my shorts, tee shirt, socks, sports bra and shoes in my purse and pat myself on the back as I skip out the front door. I give myself an extra high five if I've remembered to grab a sports bra that is an appropriate color for the tee shirt I've chosen. (Hoping not to subject any non-suspecting Y patrons to a black-bra-with-white-shirt combo that will leave them murmuring in a daze "I was just trying to Zumba... why God, WHY?")
There is always one thing I forget, and the terrifying thought always hits me around 3 p.m. on Wednesdays. I DON'T HAVE A HAIR TIE. Or hair elastic. Or ponytail holder. Call it what you want, but the short point is I DON'T HAVE ONE. I dump my purse over, praying to the... Patron Saint of Hair Ties ... ? ... that somehow one will have magically found a home in the depths of a bag I haven't seen the bottom of in months. Because I do this every week, there is never a hair tie in my purse.
Now you might think -- I'd rather forget a hair elastic than say, socks, and okay. I'll give you that. But seriously, nothing is more annoying, or more ridiculous, than running without a pony tail. I have decently lengthed hair, and running without my hair pulled back is just silliness. Me running invites enough ridicule on its own that I don't need to call any more attention to myself, let's be honest.
My quick solution-of-the-day is to find a rubber band. You know what I'm talking about -- the kind people use every day in offices to... well... honestly I'm not sure what, as I rarely if ever find myself in a rubber band emergency at work. I'm not Pee Wee Herman after all. Lacking any sufficient office supplies in my desk (will a paper clip work...?) I take off to the office supplies closet. Looking around, it soon becomes very obvious that rubber bands, although once the wave of the future I'm sure, really don't have a job in the workplace of 2012. Luckily (as this story has certainly gone on long enough, if one could actually call it a story) I came up with two rubber bands, and quickly pocketed them for my post-work runorasmostwouldcallitfastwalk. Because let's be honest -- if I only took one rubber band and it snapped, then I would be back to square one and who wants to read this post again? Certainly not anyone with sense. Or free time.
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The savior of the day... the multipurpose rubber band. I'm sure you could find something equally as stunning at Wal-Mart or Office Depot. |
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